Monday, February 1, 2010

Dear D,

I know! I really can’t believe it’s been so long since I moved to Paris. Luckily, law school is just a memory that only resurfaces four times a year when the alumni association sends me a letter soliciting money (which I ignore, but with a little more guilt now because I know they paid extra postage). And, btw, you were never chubby. Ever! Remember? I’m the one who wore overalls nearly every day during bar review (the same pair no less, because really – and I don’t care what year it was – if you have all your teeth (ummm, ignore that!) - even one pair might be too many). And we, but especially me, should be thankful we passed the first time or I might have had to have added patches to them to take me through another BAR/BRI course.

Just one small correction: if we do the 2005-2010 calculation then you’re right re 5 years, but I like to count months like mothers do when stating the age of their children, since I often feel like a child here). I don’t mean to be picky, but technically it’s closer to 4 years. People tend to judge my French based on the time I’ve lived here and I prefer to limit their expectations. Hey, at least I’m not lying anymore like when I told the grocer I’d only been here six months so he’d think I spoke French really well considering. It’s just the French can be a bit critical when it comes to their language. They’re also critical when it comes to weight - so if TicTac plans on visiting me, she’ll have to drop a few. French dogs don’t get fat either (ok, they do, as do the women who walk them, but apparently the truth doesn’t matter when writing/selling books). Maybe you can put her on my “the toothless wonder” diet. Very effective and I’d have to go on it again if I ever wanted to wear those leather pants now. The overalls though . . . those are a different story. I could probably still squeeze into those.

As I’m writing this, I realize how much I miss you and how sad I am that I’m not there with you (or you here with me – which actually would be a better deal for you since France really is kid-friendly and offers great benefits for families). I’m counting the days until your big birthday trip - even though it’s still some time off, it gives me something to look forward to. A real friend would never wish a friend to get older after all (no matter how badly she wants to see her)!

Love, A

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